As noir as black gets. Stanwyck makes a stunning performance as the femme fatale who bends a man's mind and twists his heart. Even the experienced, cynical insurance salesman (McMurray) cannot evade her irresistible spell. Carefully planning a near-perfect murder is one thing, following through "straight down the line" is another, especially as tension & pressure skyrocket, while confidence in your shady accomplice erodes over time. The relationship between the MC and the other secondary characters is well fleshed out, in particular with the claims director (Robinson), a sharp and impetuous force of nature who cares more than he shows. Was the dame truly changed in the end? Hard to decide.
“I have loved you. I did my best”. 寥寥数语道尽了心酸。爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈,但爱抵不过时间的消磨。能够解出成全视频免费高清观看在线电视剧的宇宙学家,也能解出爱的方程式吗?如果时间能够倒流,你还会选择回到相遇的那一天?